The Main Page Section
A total of 700 individual pilot log entries were developed to meet the logging requirements of FAR § 61.51 as well as to meet ALL the entry requirements for filling out the Record of Pilot Time in the FAA IACRA 8710-1 Pilot Application for applying towards a pilot certificate or rating for your checkride. The main pages features wide columns for logging large quantity of times.
Left Main Page
The left main page of our logbook includes all of the entries that a pilot needs to fill out to meet the requirements of logging flight time. It includes an extra night landing column to separate the difference between night total landings and night PIC total landings. It also features a couple of blank entries that a pilot can log different categories of aircraft or the ability to log complex, high-performance, tailwheel, TAA time or whatever you would like. It also features a separate PIC and Solo entry columns.

Right Main Page
The right main page of our logbook is where it has many more added entries compare to many of the other logbooks on the market. The cross country section features 5 different categories: total cross country, cross country over 50 N.M. (meeting the requirements of FAR § 61.1 for Private Pilot, Instrument, and Commercial Pilot), cross country dual received, cross country solo and cross country PIC. The night section includes total night time, night dual received, and night PIC. The instrument section includes the entries for logging simulated and actual instrument along with logging the number of holds and approach for keeping instrument currency requirements.

How Ultimate Pilot Logbook Helps Fill Out The IACRA Application

The Flight Simulator Section
Many logbook companies add a flight simulator column to their pilot logbook which just adds so much confusion within the aviation flight training industry of exactly what needs to be logged. The Ultimate Pilot Logbook resolves this issue by separating the Flight Time and the Flight Simulator Time by creating a flight simulator section towards the back of the logbook. Our logbook features two different flight simulator logbook sections: one for ATD and one for both FTD and FSS time.
ATD Flight Simulator Logbook Pages
The Aviation Training Device (ATD) Flight Simulator Log is perfect for logging the requirements of both the Basic Aviation Training Device (BATD) or Advanced Aviation Training Device (AATD). The Ultimate Pilot Logbook helps pilots log flight simulator time correctly and separately from your flight time. The ATD Flight Simulator Logbook features a total of 65 entries.

How Ultimate Pilot Logbook Helps Fill Out The IACRA Application

FTD & FFS Flight Simulator Logbook Pages
The Flight Training Device (FTD) and Full Flight Simulator (FFS) Log is perfect for logging the requirements for flight simulator training. The Ultimate Pilot Logbook helps pilots log flight simulator time correctly and separately from your flight time. The FTD and FFS Logbook features 78 total entries.

How Ultimate Pilot Logbook Helps Fill Out The IACRA Application

Ground Training Section
The ground training section in the Ultimate Pilot Logbook is what sets our logbook apart from all the other logbook companies. Not only do we offer over 6 blank pages and 96 individual ground instruction logbook entries, but the Ultimate Pilot Logbook is the first company to include pre-filled out ground instruction for each pilot certificate and rating. According to the Federal Aviation Regulations an applicant for each certificate and rating my receive and log ground instruction from an authorized instructor over specific and required aeronautical knowledge areas required by the regulations. Most Designated Pilot Examiners (DPEs) require this specific required ground training be accomplished by your flight instructor before they can begin the checkride. The Ultimate Pilot Logbook makes it easy for these requirements to be met with out prefilled ground training section.

Student Ground Instruction Logbook

Student Ground Instruction Logbook

Ultimate Pilot Logbook - Blank Ground Instruction Log

Student Ground Instruction Logbook
Endorsement Page Section
The endorsement section of the Ultimate Pilot Logbook features several of the endorsements straight out of the FAA's AC 61-65H endorsement guide. Our pilot logbook offers carefully thought out and organized endorsements for the Student Pilot, Private Pilot, Instrument Rating, Commercial Pilot, Add-On Category or Class, Flight Instructor and Sport Pilot endorsements. Our logbook also includes several blank additional endorsement pages for the flight instructors and flight schools that like to utilize logbook stick endorsements.

TSA and Student Solo Endorsements

Student Pilot Solo Endorsements

Ultimate Pilot Logbook Blank Page Endorsements

TSA and Student Solo Endorsements